[CQ-Contest] 2023 JIDX CW contest in this weekend

Tack JE1CKA je1cka at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 11:00:57 EDT 2023

Dear Contesters

JIDX: Japan International DX contest Phone section will be held in this 

Start: 2023-04-08(Sat) 0700UTC
End  : 2023-04-09(Sun) 1300UTC
QSO:  DX works JA and JA works DX only
Exchange: DX sends RS+CQ Zone, JA sends RS+JA prefecture Nr.
more info at http://jidx.org/jidxrule-e.html

JIDX 2022 PHONE PDF Certificate data was uploaded.
So all winners can download PDF Cert at;
Tack Kumagai, JE1CKA
je1cka at gmail.com

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