[CQ-Contest] Jan 2023 NAQP CW and SSB Final Results

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Mon Apr 17 12:39:13 EDT 2023

The January 2023 NAQP CW and NAQP SSB Final Results have been published 
at the links below. Thanks to all who joined the fun in January. Special 
thanks to contest managers N2NL and AC0W, and to N6TR for the log 
checking work. WA7BNM's custom programming at NCJWEB.COM keeps our NCJ 
contests running smoothly, year after year. We hope to hear all of you 
again in August for the next running of the North American QSO Parties.

CW Results

SSB Results


—Kirk, K4RO

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