[CQ-Contest] Now Available - FQP 2022 RESULTS - Scores, Plaque Winners, Club Competition, Records and Write Up

Chris Blake, NX4N cqdenx4n at gmail.com
Tue Apr 18 06:33:38 EDT 2023

Hello FQP Friends,
*The 2022 Florida QSO Party line scores, plaque winners, club competition,
new Records and a detailed write up are now available at:*

We're still working on the 1x1 Sweepers' certificates so please QRX.
Huge thanks again to our FCG Past President and FQP VP *Dan K1TO*, and to
our FCG President *Chris W4WF* for these outstanding results. Sincere
thanks also to our FQP Webmaster *Jeff KU8E* for posting them.
And of course, many thanks to *all of you* who participated!  We hope you
enjoy the detailed analyses and extensive score breakdowns.

*The 2023 Florida QSO Party will be held April 29 & 30**, and we sure hope
you'll join us.  *

*All 67 counties will be active.*
In addition, we'll be holding another exciting* Spelling Bee* - details TBA.
Please check out the rules and further details at our *Website:*

*Club leaders/members,* please forward this announcement to your fellow
members- tnx.

*FQP - So Bright, you gotta wear Shades!*

Chris, NX4N, on behalf of:

Chris, W4WF and Dan, K1TO – President and Past President
Florida Contest Group, proud sponsors of the FQP since 1998

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