[CQ-Contest] Fwd: [FQP] New feature in FQP Activations workbook (Excel)

Chris Blake, NX4N cqdenx4n at gmail.com
Sun Apr 23 17:17:43 EDT 2023

Hi FQP participants,
Bob K0RC has added New VFB features to his already amazing country tracking
worksheet.  It is worth the time to download and learn it to help get that
elusive last county for the sweep.  Please see Bob's email that I'm

See you in FQP next weekend.

vy 73/OJ,
Chris, NX4N

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: K0RC Bob <k0rc at citlink.net>
Date: Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 1:56 PM
Subject: [FQP] New feature in FQP Activations workbook (Excel)
To: <FQP at groups.io>, QSOParty at groups.io Notification <QSOParty at groups.io>

Hello FQPers. . .

It's less than a week to go before the mobiles roll down their driveways
and fixed stations fire up their equipment! I updated the FQP Excel
workbook with all the latest routes, modes, and county activations. I
suggest you download the file and take a look at a feature update I
recently included. Here's the link for downloading:

As you know, in addition to working for the Spelling Bee accolades, logging
all 63 counties for a sweep is a more challenging pursuit. In addition to
the sweep, there are the bragging rights for the operator who logs the
earliest sweep! And the ultimate challenge is probably the "Double Sweep,"
i.e., working all counties on both CW and SSB modes.

The FQP Activations workbook can help you pursue the last few counties
needed for your sweep. Previous workbook versions told you what callsign,
what time, and how long a mobile would visit your needed county. Now it
will also tell you their expected operating mode! That can help you narrow
down what segment of the band you should be looking in to log that "last

Here is part of the Saturday table found in columns *AZ *to *BH*.  I
improved it to show operating mode details. Alachua, for example, will have
2 CW activations, 0 SSB Only activations, and 3 Mixed mode activations.
There are 5 opportunities to find and log a station from Alachua on
Saturday. To the right you will see there will be 4 opportunities on
Sunday. The breakout detail of modes will be found on the Sunday worksheet.
Altogether, Alachua will have 9 visits over the weekend.
* Code* *County Name* *County*
* Code* *Saturday Visits* *Sunday Visits* *Weekend*
* Visits*
*CW* *SSB* *Mixed* *Total*
ALC ALACHUA ALC 2 0 3 5 4 9
BAK BAKER BAK 2 0 1 3 4 7
BAY BAY BAY 0 0 3 3 2 5
BRA BRADFORD BRA 2 0 1 3 3 6
BRE BREVARD BRE 4 1 1 6 7 13
BRO BROWARD BRO 1 3 2 6 7 13
CAH CALHOUN CAH 0 0 4 4 3 7
CIT CITRUS CIT 4 1 1 6 5 11
CLA CLAY CLA 2 0 3 5 4 9

But wait. . . there's more. . . !!!

I think you might now ask "So what stations should I be looking for?" That
question will be answered when you use the lookup table found in columns *BJ
*to *CE*. Type the County Code (or use the drop down pick-list) for
counties of interest into column *BJ *and then click the "CLICK THIS
BUTTON!" button. The table will populate with callsigns, mode, ETA, and
duration. The table displays the first 5 "opportunities" in chronological
order (left to right).
* Needed* *Saturday Visits* *1st Opportunity* *2nd Opportunity* *3rd
Opportunity* *4th Opportunity* *5th Opportunity*
*Call* *Mode* *ETA* *Duration* *Call* *Mode* *ETA* *Duration* *Call* *Mode*
*ETA* *Duration* *Call* *Mode* *ETA* *Duration* *Call* *Mode* *ETA*

ALC 5 K4OJ/m CW 18:57 00:22 N4CW/m Mixed 22:48 00:24 N4FP/m CW 00:53 00:33
N4U Mixed 12:00 10:00 W4AN/m Mixed 01:28 00:31

BRA 3 AD4EB/m CW 17:44 00:26 K4OJ/m CW 19:20 00:22 N4CW/m Mixed 00:00 00:24

The original table in columns *AB *to *AK *with the associated 4 Sort
buttons still allow you to slice and dice all of the FQP activity as usual.
The tables to the right of that one reveal stats for the Party organizers
and others who might alter their operating plans to provide better coverage
for the weekend. There is a TON of work and dedication that does into
putting one of the Premier QSO Parties on the air each year. I am please I
can make a small contribution to its success and fun.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

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