[CQ-Contest] Announcing the half hour NCCC FT4 Sprint Contest this Thursday evening North America time

Dennis W1UE egan.dennis88 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 9 15:46:59 EDT 2023

To all FT4 operators worldwide:

The Northern California Contest Club is again pleased to sponsor our weekly
FT4 Sprint, aka FT4 NS (NCCC Sprint).   This contest is held every Friday
UTC between 0100Z and 0130Z.  That's Thursday evening in North America.
Non-North American stations are welcome to participate. No logs are
necessary; please submit your score to 3830scores.com when the Sprint is

14 stations listed their score on 3830scores.com last week, with 9 of them
making more than 20 Qs.  Nice to see DX stations LZ2HV, KH6TU, and 9Z4A
also report in.

Please read the rules carefully.  They are posted at the following location:


Frequencies: 1836, 3575, 7047.5 (also 7080), 14080, 21140, 28080, 50318

Mults are Grid Squares and are counted PER BAND.

73, Dennis W1UE

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