[CQ-Contest] Contest SSB Frequencies

Mike Fatchett W0MU w0mu at w0mu.com
Wed Aug 16 15:14:27 EDT 2023

It would not matter what you told him.  While some people use GPS and 
other forms to absolutely be as perfect as they can with their frequency 
read outs, most don't.  On SSB you tune for what sound the best TO YOU.  
I have never cared what the vfo says as long as I am able to make 
contacts and not interfering too much with other contests etc.  Same on 
CW where ever it is clear I use it.  With CW you would do well in 
pileups not to zero beat the station. Being off just a bit makes you 
sound a bit different or possibly easier to pick out.

Good Luck


On 8/16/2023 10:25 AM, pwhelton at earthlink.net wrote:
> Hi Barry.  This probably won't answer your question but I did want to
> comment where the guy "wanted to know your exact frequency so he could tune
> it better".  His comment is exactly why I don't like SSB contests.  To me
> everyone sounds like a duck and I have a hard time tuning them in.   Don't
> get me wrong I do participate in SSB contests but they are not my favorite.
> As an aside on CW I usually shoot for .050 Khz (i.e.:  21.015.50, 21.031.50,
> 21.037.50, etc).
> Regards,
> Pat - KZ5J
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces+pwhelton=earthlink.net at contesting.com>
> On Behalf Of Barry Jacobson
> Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2023 9:51 AM
> To: CQ-Contest Reflector <CQ-Contest at contesting.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Contest SSB Frequencies
> Hi, due to poor hearing, I am not on SSB that much, but mainly CW. However,
> some improvements with my hearing device have made me more willing to try
> SSB. I am wondering if people always use integral number of KHz. In CW, I
> never paid attention to exact freq, just found empty freq in band and called
> CQ. But recently was calling CQ for a ragchew in SSB, and the fellow said I
> am on a fractional freq and wanted to know exactly what it was so he could
> tune it better. Said was unusual. Is that always the practice in SSB and in
> SSB contests to use whole numbers? I imagine the bands get crowded and not
> always so easy to find a whole number freq. Please correct me if that is
> standard practice in CW and RTTY, as well, something I never knew about.
> 73,
> Barry WA2VIU
> --
> Barry Jacobson
> bdj at alum.mit.edu
> @bdj_phd
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