[CQ-Contest] The Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge

Lew Sayre dr.biggun at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 11:04:09 EST 2023

Greetings Ringmasters,  Trapeze Artists, Elephant Handlers, Strongmen, Clowns and respected Others of the 160M Realm,
     The Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge is afoot.  It commences 1500Z Dec. 30, 2023 and ends 24 hours later.  This contest is all Morse Code (CW) and uses distance between stations in determining the score.  It is a lot of fun.  If your addiction to FT8/FT4 is getting thin or if you are exploring new things to do in radio operating, then come try CW contesting here.  The operators on "The Gentlemens' Band" generally will slow down to whatever speed you have to help you decode the signals yourself, which you are quite capable of doing.
     Rules, plaques, plaque sponsoring, unique scoring, prior results and other very interesting information all live at            https://kkn.net/stew/                      If you're reading this, then you're also perfectly capable of driving your browser to the address above and understanding more about The Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge.
     160M propagation this time of the sunspot cycle can be a bit variable.  The Boring Amateur Radio Club's Committee on Propagation, Liquor and Ions has placed a request for very good propagation for The Stew with sunspot cycle management.  We expect good signals for all participants as the dues have been paid.
     The astute Amateur Radio Operator will recognize that The Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge is being held on the day before New Year's Eve. What perfect timing!  Participate in the contest, sleep a bit during the day on Sunday and then you'll be primed for again staying up late on New Year's Eve.  You're welcome!
     While you are outside dodging storms while perfecting your antennas for the 10M contest this weekend just spend a few extra minutes considering where and what kind of 160M antenna you could erect so that you too, could play in The Stew.
    The Boring Amateur Radio Club, sponsor of The Stew, thanks you for your attention.  Although we do not offer cash prizes, automobiles, equipment or items of tangible value, even if the submitted log is written longhand on legal tender currency, we do offer the ability to have your call listed alongside other contesting 160M Stalwarts, which is fame and glory right there.
     See you in The Stew!
73 and I remain,
Lew     w7ew
The Boring Amateur Radio Club Chief Epistler

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