[CQ-Contest] Termination of the RTTY NS (RTTY NCCC Sprint) half hour Thursday night contest.

Ed Radlo eddrad at aol.com
Tue Dec 19 16:02:38 EST 2023

To All RTTY Enthusiasts:
A few months ago, the team that manages this contest, which has been sponsored by the NCCC (Northern California Contest Club) for many years, conducted an in-depth study at whether this half hour Thursday night contest is still viable, given the low and declining participation experienced over the past couple of years.
Unfortunately, since this study of a few months ago, the participation in the RTTY NS has declined even further.  Therefore, the contest management team has come to the painful conclusion that it is time to say farewell to the Thursday night RTTY NS, effective immediately.
I and my colleagues on the contest management team, and more generally in the NCCC at large, look forward to working you all in future RTTY contests.  Unfortunately, it won't be in the RTTY NS.
73,  Ed Radlo  AJ6V

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