[CQ-Contest] WRTC Calls
ktfrog007 at aol.com
ktfrog007 at aol.com
Tue Jul 11 10:12:41 EDT 2023
Non-standard two-digit I##x prefix calls starting with I4 were a poor choice. Lots of IARU participants are casual contesters and don't follow online discussions and info all the time. They have lives otherwise.
Much better call blocks would have been I8#. Skipping I84 and I86. Let's hope the UK guys pay attention.
73,Ken, AB1J
On Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at 12:05:40 PM UTC, jpescatore--- via CQ-Contest <cq-contest at contesting.com> wrote:
The format of the competitor calls was announced in advance, along with the call of the spotting station that would put out SSB spots. That didn't prevent oodles of busted spots since none of those A4#! format calls was in history files or Super Check Partial files - you weren't alone!
The ARRL log checking stats should be fun to see...
73 John K3TN
Barry WA2VIU said:
> ... Also, maybe I
missed it but I was unprepared for double number calls, and copied I43C as
IV3C. Was there a notice in advance of what format the contest team calls
would be? Would be good to know for next time. I was operating unassisted
and therefore did not look up any of the real-time spotting sites that
would have told me this info during contest.
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