[CQ-Contest] WRTC 2022 Stations - Why the silence?

PY2NY py2ny.vitor at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 12:33:30 EDT 2023

Good evening, sis & bro's!

CX6VM is 100% right.

I beg your pardon for bringing up this subject, but it's not just a matter
of location and antennas, but how financially prepared each team is,

In my particular case, I was lucky to have PC3T/PY2SEX and all the
equipment *he had* from previous WRTC. If it was just me with another
Brazilian, we would probably have radio 1 with 80/40 dipole and radio
2 with the triband, no filters, triplexer, and no more than a kludge for
the referee listen everything.

However, and even considering that financial resources are responsible
for some differences, I believe that the current formula for WRTC is the
best possible, with similar antenna/locations provided by the organizers.

We were *I41K* and we had problems with QRN (*S7 after repairs*). In
addition, physical space was so small that we had to dispense 2 monitors
borrowed by a colleague.

Even with my TM (PY2SEX) upset and sad because he was "forgotten" to
be called Team Leader for EU2 by the organizers, we did the best we
could under those circumstances.

I am very happy about we got, and specially about the people we knew
during this incredible journey, in addition to see again longtime
companions, such as W6NV, K3LR, PY5EG, PY2NQ, CT7ANO, CX6VM,
W6OAT, IK2QEI, 3V9A, I2WIJ, IK4VET and a *lot of others*.

Personally, WRTC 2022 represented an achievement, especially for the
way I qualified. The goals I set for myself were not met, but everything
was compensated by the wonderful time in Italy with friends who are
in my amateur radio live since 1981.

Thanks WC1M Dick Referee, IV3CTS Ivan Site Manager, PY2SEX/PC3T
Team Mate, PY1NB/CT7ANO Tech Assistance 'in locu', IK2QEI backup
radio, IK4VET TI assistance, Daniela from La Confina Agriturismo,
Ana and Natália (our wives) , and to the Italian guys that, despite all
occurrences, managed to bring WRTC to a happy ending.

For 2026 edition in UK, I will be just an IARU contester from my
house (if QRN authorizes) and freak cheerleader hi hi hi hi...
PY2NY / SP9NY / V26NY  - Vitor Luis Aidar dos Santos
*WRTC* - S532N (2000), PT5X (2006) & I41K (2023).

Em seg., 24 de jul. de 2023 às 09:45, Edward Sawyer <
EdwardS at advanced-conversion.com> escreveu:

> I saw an interview that K5ZD did on not only his WRTC experience this
> month but also describing the variances of stations and problems that
> occurred.  I have to say that I am surprised by the silence on this forum
> about competitors' experiences after listening to Randy's interview.  Is
> there a reason for the silence?
> It sounds like some competitors, like Randy, had an airconditioned B and B
> and were fortunate to have no significant line noise.  Others were
> essentially in hot barns.  Others had varying amounts of line noise that
> caused one group to have to move the mast - antenna assembly Saturday
> morning after having given up on the site the day before and another was
> virtually wiped out by line noise for a number of hours when night
> activated lights came on.
> Since the last 3 WRTC were very solid in the "everyone is in the same
> situation" implementation, I guess I am surprised that no one has written
> about it here.
> Folks, we only learn from our experiences.  There is nothing gained by
> silence.
> Ed  N1UR
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