[CQ-Contest] W3Y Youth on the air YDXA

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Mon Jul 31 00:10:34 EDT 2023

Yesterday here at K3LR, the David Kalter KB8OCP Youth DX Adventure was held.
Nine hours of four youth operators all under the age of 18 with their
parents -  making contacts all over the world during the IOTA contest. They
had no experience with contesting and no experience with WinTest (K3LR
station logging program). All QSOs were by the 4 youth operators.


They had a special callsign, W3Y, for YDXA - the pileups were incredible -
Over 2000 QSOs!






   80    12   0    0      24  2.00 

   40   501   8    1    1013  2.02 

   20   973  32   21    2477  2.55 

   15   559   6   24    2028  3.63 

   10   188   2    5     532  2.83 


TOTAL  2233  48   51    6074  2.72 


       TOTAL SCORE : 309 774


Operators       : KE8LQR AD8IR AD8FQ KE8RJU




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