[CQ-Contest] Announcing FT4 Sprint for June 23 , 0100-0130Z

Dennis W1UE egan.dennis88 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 19:33:59 EDT 2023

If you're just getting involved with this, please list your score at
3830scores.com at the end of the session.

June 16
0100-0130Z (9pm EDT, 6pm PDT)
No Dupes
No QSY Rule
Mults are GS per band
100w power limit
FT4 only
50318, 28180, 21140, 14080, 7047.5, 3575, 1836

Please visit https://www.ncccsprint.com/rules.html for complete rules.

Uwe DG2YCB has issued another update on his software.  A few enhancements,
and a few improvements.  You can get a copy at

A reminder- the RSGB has their monthly FT4 contest on Monday June 26, from
1900-2030Z.  Mults are DXCC per band, 20/40/80 only.  For NA stations, its
really a 20m contest.

Dennis W1UE

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