[CQ-Contest] Starting Over...

Stan Zawrotny k4sbz.stan at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 17:02:31 EDT 2023

I had a direct lightning strike that took out my entire Flex station (6600,
PGXL, TGXL and AG 2x8) including three desktop computers, a monitor and my
router. Everything was grounded. It came in from an inverted-L antenna, but
jumped onto my Ethernet.

I have been looking at what I can do to improve the shack. For example, I
have copper plates on order. They will be placed under each piece of gear
and included in the grounding system. But all of my efforts will
undoubtedly work for a nearby strike, but the only solution to a direct
strike is good insurance. Ham Radio Insurance
Associates (www.hamradioinsurance.com) wrote me a nice check for over
$10,000 with no complaints. I replaced all the Flex gear with the exact
same thing and bought some new computers. Flex told me that if they
repaired any of the gear, they could not guarantee how long they might
work, because some components might be also ready to fail at any time.

I am in agreement with replacing the FTdx5000 with a more modern rig. Most
new rigs will do digital without need for a bunch of gear and software. I
replaced my 5000 with a Flex-6600 and have no regrets. The 5000 was a bear
to get to work with digital, but the Flex is a snap. Anyone whois not using
an SDR or hybrid-SDR rig is missing out on a lot.

My advice is to not repair, but buy new. And get insurance from the company
listed above or from the ARRL. Don't rely on homeowners insurance. Some
will pay and others might not.

Just my opinions.
Stan, K4SBZ

On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 4:05 PM <john at kk9a.com> wrote:

> This may be a great time to upgrade your transceiver but also you should
> review your lightning protection system. A nearby lightning strike induces
> a
> lot of voltage into your home's wiring so just disconnecting the coax does
> not really protect much. Probably most of us could do more to protect our
> equipment but definitely some things are very important. Polyphaser's
> brochure used to have a recommended ground rod pattern around the tower to
> dissipate a much of the energy. The bonding that K9YC mentioned plus a
> single point ground is essential. I also use a whole house surge protector.
> If you use Heliax, Commscope ground kits are a great way to protect your
> coax.
> GL,
> John KK9A/4
> Courtney Judd k4wi wrote:
> Well, I am looking for some opinions here.... took a nearby lightening
> strike the other day and the only turned on/hooked up was my internet
> router which is hooked to an external antenna. It was hooked to my
> computer via Ethernet and that hooked to my FT5000/microham Keyer 3 via
> USB ( they were all off and antennas unhooked). The router was toast as
> well as the computer... got them replaced and all back working but now
> looks like still have problems with the rig having no CAT signals and
> the Keyer3 no USB to the computer. I can still operate but only in a
> bare bones fashion. I woke up during the night and decided it was time
> to just start over. I am thinking about the FT-101MP and would like any
> opinions on how it compares to the 5000 and how easy does it interface
> with a computer.... any external device needed? I do CW/SSB/RTTY and FT8
> with DX4WIN general logging and Writelog for contesting! So thinking of
> doing away with the FT5000, DMU2000 , MicroHam keyer 3, and all 3 u-tune
> filters and replace all this with the Ft101.... good idea or bad? Also I
> am going to go all WiFi in the house with no actual wired connection to
> any device.... a mesh cell setup and let everything connect
> wirelessly.... that should help keep the big juice out of my
> electronics... maybe! So am I thinking in a good direction or should I
> repair everything and keep trotting along with this current setup... the
> 5000 is an 2011 model and I do love it but maybe time for new! Thanks
> and 73's Cort K4WI
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