[CQ-Contest] WRTC Countdown Is On (K3ZJ

Edward Sawyer EdwardS at advanced-conversion.com
Tue Jun 27 13:16:53 EDT 2023

Thanks for this interesting info.  There has been virtually nothing relayed by the WRTC Committee to the outside world on what is going to happen there.  No site information and obviously no mention of drastic inclusions like patronage self-spotting.

Personally, I think that self-spotting on SSB (which in my opinion is seriously wrong to hijack an on-going contest in this way) when no one else competing can do so within the rules, is completely out of bounds.  To "overlay yourself" onto a competition for another purpose is one thing - which I have no objection to.  However, to actually then introduce interaction which will PULL Qs from the normal contest participants in favor of your overlay is unsportsmanlike and unethical.

This is a serious mistake in my opinion and a very dangerous precedent being set.  I implore the WRTC group to not do this.  Even the HQ stations are not allowed to self-spot in this contest.

Ed  N1UR

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