[CQ-Contest] 3 Solar Cycles Ago - ARRL DX CW report from the Wayback Machine

jpescatore at aol.com jpescatore at aol.com
Wed Mar 1 08:08:43 EST 2023

As part of a thread on the PVRC email reflector, I was doing a bit of research on scores/rates and I looked at the 1990 ARRL DX CW QST results article by NR1R and NF1J. I found this quote in the opening:
"Computer-assisted contesting and computer disk-file entries are the wave of thefuture and are here now! KR2Q proclaims,"God bless Kl EA!" W3FTG swears, "Contesting software for logging and duping is theonly way to go, what a breeze!" K7RI says,"Having good computer software sure makesit a lot more fun and less fatiguing. Now whenthe contest is over, it's over!""
We didn't even see the global packet network and skimmers coming!
Even with logging software, the contest isn't quite over when it is over: I believe (since I don't show up as a W3LPL op that year)  that 11990 was the year Wayne N2FB and I (with overnight help from K3YDX) did a Multi-2 at Wayne's fine two tower station in those days. Conditions were similar to this year and in the mornings Wayne and I were screaming along side by side on 10 and 15 for hours - it was the most fun I've ever had on a radio.

When we checked in on 3830 (OG 3830, actual HF SSB) our score ended up second to N3RS.
When the results article came out in October, I eagerly flipped through QST (OG QST with full results articles...) to see the M2 results and no N2FB to be found!
I called Wayne to ask WTF? and he said "Ooops, that right. I forgot to send the floppy in..."
There is still that one remaining step...
73 John K3TN

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