[CQ-Contest] FT-8 & FT-4 In A Contest.

Joe nss at mwt.net
Wed Mar 29 18:18:21 EDT 2023

I have done plenty of FT-X contacts between contests. It IS an Amazing 
mode. The weakest signals it can work are truly incredible.

I have also done some of the ONLY FT-X Contests, also Fun.

But does anyone have any idea as to how FT-X contacts can Co-Exist in an 
All Mode Contest?  PH, CW, DG?

On the VHF/UHF Bands when all is allowed the FT-X modes have more or 
less destroyed these contests.
Turned them into a FT-X only contest.  Many times especially on 6 Meters 
I have seen FT-X signals
that are STRONG! I mean STRONG!!!! 20, 30 even 40 db OVER! The band is 
Yet when you tune down into the CW and SSB portions of the band
you are lucky to find two or three stations to contact.
Sad part is a good CW or PH OP can work ten times the contacts the
FT-X folk can do in the same amount of time, if there were stations 
there to work!

Seems like most all mode HF contests have simply banned FT-X in their 

The mode is great for when the band is dead. BUT.......

Other than making a sub category, where any log that is submitted and 
has FT-x QSO's in it,
  they are automatically placed in a FT-X Class. What else can be done?

Anyone have any ideas on how these FT-X QSO's can be in a all mode 
contest, and play nice and not take over?


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