[CQ-Contest] Fwd: [FQP] K8MR/M Preliminary Report

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon May 1 09:27:17 EDT 2023

Ordinarily 3830.com is the place to report contest scores, but I won't have my Florida QSO Party score available for at least several days until I can transcribe the recordings, around 8 hours, of my in-motion QSOs. But it was a blast, aside from the blasts from mother nature in the form of severe thunderstorms affecting much of Florida over the weekend.
Thanks to all who took part and chased us mobiles around the state!

73  -  Jim  K8MR

-----Original Message-----
From: K8MR Jim Stahl via groups.io <jimk8mr=aol.com at groups.io>
To: fcg at groups.io <fcg at groups.io>; fqp at groups.io <fqp at groups.io>; mrrc at groups.io <mrrc at groups.io>
Sent: Sun, Apr 30, 2023 9:09 pm
Subject: [FQP] K8MR/M Preliminary Report

Home safely after an exciting but tiring two days. Got the storm in eastern Highlands and Okeechobee counties - heavy rain, a lot of nearby cloud to ground lightning, and marble+ size hail. No rain Sunday, but enough wind in places that the car was rocking a bit.

>From just what was done while parked, 10 1/2 hours per N1MM:

40:    99     020:  935   8615:    52   1810:    18     0

97 Mults
My strategy, at least for the first day, was to run 20M while parked, and the other bands which would tend to be slower, while driving. So the 40 and 15 numbers will be substantially bigger.

The phone numbers are final, but still lots CW QSOs to transcribe from the operation recorded while driving. That includes all of LEE, CHA, SAR, and LAK. It may take a few days as we are now seriously packing for the snowbird northerly migration to begin on Tuesday.

And FB eyeball QSOs after the contest with the K4OJ crew!

73  -  Jim   K8MR   _._,_._,_

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