[CQ-Contest] [FOC-members] Musing about my CQWW CW Log Checking Report

David Bunte dpbunte at gmail.com
Wed May 3 11:29:39 EDT 2023

George -

I am not a contester, but enjoy dabbling a bit. You may get more helpful
comments from other members, but here is my take. I would not be keen on #3
either, although I chose my current call because K9LIH was often
'busted'... then I realized that it was sometimes ME who busted it, so I
could not blame all of the errors on others.

I don't rag chew at 34 wpm like some folks I know and admire, but 34 wpm
does not sound too fast in a contest. Solution #1 or #2 might help reduce
problems for the other stations, but might also reduce your QSO total
somewhat... but the reduction in errors might be an appropriate trade-off.
If you find that you are needed to repeat your call, very often that would
be a clue that a somewhat slower speed might be worth it.

Whatever you do... enjoy, and I'll call you when I hear you, even if in a
contest... HI.

161 de Dave - K9FN

On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 11:21 AM George VA2EBI <george.harlem at gmail.com>

> I used to be baffled by the number of Not In Log’s in my LCR, but almost
> as many stations get a NIL from me.  Part of contest logging, I guess.  My
> stats were well below median figures for Error Rate and Score Reduction.
> But there were 81 stations busting my call out of 1174 QSO’s.  The most
> common error was “VA2EDI”.  I get it—I did the contest at an average 34
> wpm.  The following adjustments occur to me:
> 1.  Send at a lower average CW speed
> 2.  Send my call (in N1MM) with a partial speed reduction, as in
> “VA2>>EBI<<“
> 3.  Obtain a new 2X2 contest call
> 4.  Do nothing differently at all
> I’m not really keen for Choice #3.  Any comments are welcome.
> George VA2EBI
> From George's iPhone
> _._,_._,_
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> _._,_._,_

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