[CQ-Contest] Digital Contest Dinner at Dayton

Ed Muns ed at w0yk.com
Sat May 6 19:18:35 EDT 2023

Following CTU at the Hope Hotel the Digital Contest Dinner will be held.  Everyone is welcome, regardless of interest level for RTTY and FT contesting!



*	Bill, WT0DX, will present an overview of the remote contesting station work he and Paul NO0T are doing in Colorado.
*	Dennis, W1UE, will update us on Current FT4/8 Contests.



*       Pork Porterhouse (Seasoned Pork Tenderloin Chop served with Green Apple and Pineapple Relish, topped with a Mustard Demi Glaze)

*       Red Skin Potatoes

*       Chef’s Choice of Seasonal Vegetable

*       Rolls/Butter

*       Chef’s Choice of Dessert

*       Coffee, Tea, Water



*	$37 inclusive of tax and service charge
*	7-9pm Thursday, 18 May 2023
*	B-52 Strato Fortress Room, Hope Hotel
*	Check, cash, PayPal or credit card (CC number, Exp. Date, Security # and billing Zipcode).  If credit card or PayPal, please send $39 to cover fees.   Remit to W0YK <mailto:ed at w0yk.com> .
*	Deadline Thursday, 11 May 2023





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