[CQ-Contest] Final Reminder - Submit FQP logs by this Sunday 5/14/23

Chris Blake, NX4N cqdenx4n at gmail.com
Wed May 10 06:55:19 EDT 2023

Hello Florida QSO Party Friends,
Just a quick reminder that the *deadline to submit your FQP log is no later
than this Sunday May 14, 2023*.
Submission details and links per the FQP Rules are shown below.

We invite you to join us again for the next exciting FQP on *April 27 & 28,

THANK YOU again for making the 2023 FQP another terrific event.

*FQP - So Bright, you gotta wear Shades! *


Chris, NX4N, on behalf of:

Chris, W4WF and Dan, K1TO – President and Past President
Florida Contest Group, proud sponsors of the FQP since 1998
All entrants are encouraged to submit their log electronically in Cabrillo
format.  Log must indicate for each QSO the band, mode, date, UTC time, call
sign sent, signal report sent and Location sent, callsign received, signal
report received and location received.  Specific Cabrillo details can be
found at
Log Upload page (preferred method)
https://fqp.contesting.com/fqpsubmitlog.php2)  E-Mail to
logs at floridaqsoparty.org3)  Web Page. Entrants who do not use computer
logging during the FQP are encouraged to use the log-entry web form
https://www.b4h.net/cabforms/flqp_cab3.php to enter the QSO info from their
paper logs.4)  Postal Mail to:      FQP c/o Ron Harps K8NZ    1997 Willow
Glen Ln.    Columbus, OH 43229-1550 Entries must be received (postmarked
for mailed logs) no later than 14 days after the end of the FQP. Valid logs
received are listed on the FQP web site

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