[CQ-Contest] Canadian Prairies QSO Party - May 13, 2023 17:00 UTC to May 14, 2023 03:00 UTC

Sam Ferris ve5sf at sasktel.net
Fri May 12 12:08:29 EDT 2023

A quick reminder of the coming Canadian Prairies QSO Party scheduled for
this weekend.  The contest runs from 17:00 UTC May 13 to 03:00 UTC May 14,
2023 on the 10, 15, 20 and 40 Metre HF bands.  Contacts in CW and SSB, sorry
no digital modes.  All the rules and details are available at:
https://cpqp.ve6hams.ca/ .  Recent versions of N1MM and DX Log support this


Hope to meet you on the HF bands for the CPQP.




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