[CQ-Contest] DL6RAI SK

Barry Jacobson bdj at alum.mit.edu
Thu May 18 18:52:38 EDT 2023

Very sorry to hear. Tower work is so dangerous. Rev. Paul Bittner W0AIH
fell, as did quite a few others, if you Google ham tower fall. I am nervous
about my own ladder line dipole over my roof because of any fire hazard
from high RF anywhere in line or antenna. Run max 500W, but perhaps even
that is too much. Ham radio can be a very dangerous hobby, unfortunately.

Only good news from here on.

Barry WA2VIU

Barry Jacobson
bdj at alum.mit.edu

On Thu, May 18, 2023, 6:18 PM <john at kk9a.com> wrote:

> Very sad news from Aruba. Ben, DL6RAI was working on a tower at his P49V
> home this morning when the tower buckled and folded down with Ben attached.
> He died from his injuries.
> RIP Ben.
> John KK9A - P40A
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