[CQ-Contest] Drones and antennas

K3ZJ David Siddall davek3zj at gmail.com
Mon May 22 23:18:52 EDT 2023

An article on using a drone to put up an antenna by N3KS (TI5W/TI7W) from
QST provides some ideas:

73, Dave K3ZJ

On Mon, May 22, 2023 at 9:33 PM <wigi at kl0r.com> wrote:

> I have used drones to inspect antennas. The utility is somewhat limited,
> even though you get high quality images from the drone. My experience is
> that most of the things you're looking to see when using a drone are
> probably too small or too subtle to easily see in a drone image... and
> something more substantial would probably be visible from the ground.
> At KL7RA, it is typically a very windy site, so on many days it is too
> windy
> to fly and station-keep around the antenna elements. In a less challenging
> environment it might be more useful than I have found it to be... but also,
> when I've had problems that might be easily observed from a drone, the
> conditions were not suitable for flight... for example, too cold (below
> freezing) or too windy.
> I have attempted to use the drone to string antennas over trees. The
> challenge I have with it is that you have to carry a weight on the line and
> it needs to be suspended below the drone by several feet in order to keep
> the line out of the propellers. The weight also needs to be heavy enough to
> pull the line through the tree once it is disconnected from the drone. All
> of this is to say that I have not successfully done this... My drone was
> unable to lift the weight I was using. I was about to try this past
> weekend... but I need to update firmware before I can fly.
> 73,
> Wigi, KL0R
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CQ-Contest <cq-contest-bounces+wigi=kl0r.com at contesting.com> On
> Behalf
> Of Charles H. Harpole
> Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2023 6:24 AM
> To: CQ-Contest Reflector <CQ-Contest at contesting.com>
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Drones and antennas
> I'm interested in looking uh hams that have flown their drone near their
> antenna and I can see what footage they took.
> I would like to see videos of what hams have taken with a drone of their
> antennas
> how much analysis of connections and taping can I do if I use a drone on my
> antennas
> thank you and provide the link to me please...........
>  H0ZCW@ gmail.com
> 73    Charly
> --
> Charly, HS0ZCW
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