[CQ-Contest] Drones

Lee Hiers lee.hiers at gmail.com
Thu May 25 11:56:17 EDT 2023

On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 11:47 AM Don Butler <n5lz at comcast.net> wrote:

> ..... so a drone is likely to be helpful for lifting
> a weighted line into the air and stratically dropping it over a support
> (tree branch, etc) ... which will then allow that line to be used to pull
> the antenna/rope over the same branch ...

Don et al,

What would be the lowest end (cheapest - I'm a typical ham!) drone that
would be up to the task of dropping monofilament with a fishing weight over
a tree branch?  I'm not interested in DJI Mavic-class drones...I don't need
another hobby!

73 de Lee, AA4GA

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