[CQ-Contest] FT4 Sprint for June 2 0100-0130

Dennis W1UE egan.dennis88 at gmail.com
Tue May 30 15:42:21 EDT 2023

FT4 Sprint for June 2 , 0100-0130Z

Twenty-five logs were submitted to 3830 last week. Activity seemed to be
clustered on 15, 20, and 40m, with few contacts on other bands.

Eleven stations made the 20 QSO mark, with K3MM and W1UE (both SO2R)
breaking the 2000 point mark. We were all a little unsure of how much
activity there was going to be, and how to utilize the revised software. I
can say that, of the 49 QSOs I made, 43 of them were uniques.

This Thursday is an opportunity to try out your software for next weekend’s
ARRL International Digital Contest. This contest runs Saturday Jun 3 1800z
thru Sunday June 4 2359z.

To eliminate some confusion, here are the frequencies to use:

50330 (recommended by the ARRL IDG contest)






1836 (recommended for the ARRL IDG contest)

Other rules to keep in mind:

No QSY necessary after each QSO

Mults are Grid Squares per band

100w power limit

Report Scores to 3830scores.com after the session

Full rules available at https://www.ncccsprint.com/ft4ns.html

No Dupes

If you would like to receive all the latest info about NS as well as have a
place for comments and questions, sign up for the NS-mailing list:

Keep contesting and stay healthy!

Dennis W1UE

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