[CQ-Contest] Newbies in SS (was ARRL Sweepstakes CW, on N1MM+ group)

Ben Coleman NJ8J nj8j at benshome.net
Sat Nov 18 21:25:26 EST 2023

On 11/13/2023 12:25 PM, Art Boyars wrote:
> I'd have to close N1MM then open my everyday log and log them, then
> close my log and reopen N1MM once I convince them to move on.  Try to be
> polite but..."

I use the general log (called DX in N1MM+) for making non-contest QSOs 
during the contest.  I normally leave one in my operating log database, 
just in case.  If I need to make a non-contest QSO, I switch over to the 
DX log, log it, and then switch back over to my contest log.  The first 
time, it's Alt-F O, then select the DX contest.  Make the QSO, log it, 
and Alf-F 2 will return you to your contest log.  If you've done it 
already, then the DX log is available with an Alt-F 2 (unless you're 
working more than one contest at once, in which case you're probably 
used to 'dancing on the Alt-F key', as I call it).

Ben Coleman nj8j at benshome.net
Radiating from Bedsprings Brigade Manor

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