[CQ-Contest] RST?

Stan Zawrotny k4sbz.stan at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 09:51:49 EST 2023

So, several of us are in agreement that the RS(T) serves a starter
function, The contest could state that the exchange is "Alert CQ-Zone"
where QSL, RR, TU, 59(9) or even RSG could be the Alert or Sync phrase.
Anything other than "please copy."

I like TU. It's short and works for CW or SSB. The running station doesn't
need it because they will start the QSO with the S&P callsign.

TU 5

Another option is to have no start or sync, but to have the exchange be
"Zone Zone" .... Give the zone twice. If the first one is cut off, the
second one is available. It also validates the zone in case of QRM, QRN or
QSB. This would result in fewer repeats and smaller number of non-matching

All of this, of course, requires the agreement of many sponsors to make
such a change. Experience is that there is almost no coordination amongst
the sponsors and none of them want to take the lead on what would be a
drastic change of the status quo.

Stan, K4SBZ

On Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 6:03 AM <john at kk9a.com> wrote:

> Sweepstakes is a good example of no RS / RST.  I also like a little warning
> rather then unkeying and being immediately blasted with a serial number.  I
> sometimes did have to ask for a repeat because I was not ready for the
> number.  ON CW numbers sometimes also throw me off since I am expecting
> numbers and not letters.   In Sweepstakes CW I sent NR before sending the
> serial number.  I see no reason to send the person's callsign in the report
> macro when answering a CQ since they probably already know their call.  On
> phone SS I also like to hear something before receiving the number. One
> short phrase was pretty common but I don't want to get into that
> discussion.
> 73
> John KK9A (W4AAA in 2023 SS)
> Vlad VE3TM wrote:
> No need for such experiments. There are two SS contests with no  RS/RST
> required. I for one have difficulties with this kind of exchange because I
> simply don't know when it actually starts. Will the other station send my
> call-sign, first? Or will it start with R, or TU, or the serial number will
> come up at once? And every QSO is different in this respect.
> A "sync" message helps a lot. Instead of RST just consider it slightly
> differently: RSG,
> for
> Ready, Steady, Go! As a matter of fact it really is like this and it helps.
> 73,
> Vlad VE3TM
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