[CQ-Contest] Endurance UP-Date

Joe nss at mwt.net
Tue Nov 28 10:14:02 EST 2023

      Many of you participated in the survey about this subject of 
Endurance in Contesting that I posted on several of the E-Mail groups. I 
thank all of you who replied. This is a follow up on what everyone told 
me, and possibly something for all of you aging contesters that can not 
stay up all night that I discovered, or actually Remembered from 20+ 
years ago!

      Now I won't tell you all about it here, just too long of an 
explanation. So I made a web page that gives complete details on what it 
is and how if interested how you can also try it.  I know it is night 
and day for me!  I did the first test on the ARRL Sweepstakes CW 
weekend, and for the first time in over 10 years I was able to do the 
whole contest. And just to make sure it was not a fluke I tried it again 
for the SSB weekend with similar results.  Below is the link to the web 
page all about it.

      I hope maybe some of you all may benefit from this.



Boy! Does this sound like a Facebook scam! he he he.. Oh well, it isn't. 
Just can't think of a good way to tell ya about it.


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