[CQ-Contest] A public thanks to CQP (and others who've tossed the MAR mult away)

Paul Bourque pbourque at gmail.com
Wed Sep 27 17:59:20 EDT 2023

The MAR section is no longer, effective 1-1-2023. NS and NB have been
added, as well as PE. The ARRL/RAC section list has been updated to reflect
that. There’s s link to the contest sections list on the ARRL Sweepstakes
web page.

Paul Bourque, N1SFE
ARRL Contest Program Manager

On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 4:44 PM JOHN GEIGER via CQ-Contest <
cq-contest at contesting.com> wrote:

> Isn't the MAR "section" still in play for the SS, with only PE split off
> from it?
> 73 John AF5CC
> Sent using {0}
> ---- On Wed, 27 Sep 2023 13:07:10 -0500 Mike VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca <
> ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca> wrote ---
> Some of this is a little tongue-in-cheek or my weak attempt at humour
> (it'll hopefully be obvious which parts) so try not to take everything
> I've written below as too serious.
> For those of you that are humour impaired, please look away....look away
> now !
> A little unrelated to contesting, but did any of you ever watch the
> Canadian Comedy TV show "Corner Gas" whereby when a neighbouring town
> name was mentioned(normally Wullerton), all the residents of Dog River
> present would spit (or fake spit) on the ground?
> When I hear the acronym "MAR", that's me.  SOME of us guys out East (at
> least me in particular) almost "hates" MAR (but hate is way too
> strong......) Very much dislikes the "MAR" designation only as it
> relates to contesting because I don't live in MAR<spit>, I live in New
> Brunswick. (or Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island) etc. and MOST contests
> have always permitted us to send the correct Provincial designation. In
> the past I didn't always get to play for the home team! (Only SS, ARRL
> 160, some Sprints and CQP are the ones that come to mind)
> A few years ago the (various) Sprint folks were very kind to us VE9, VE1
> and VY2 types and may have been among the first (of the last!) of
> contests to let us send NB, NS and PE---so another thank you to those
> movers and shakers !
> Not long after (actually, Jan 1, 2023), RAC (It's kinda/sorta like the
> VE version of the ARRL for those readers abroad) finally got rid of the
> MAR designation (which has absolutely NOTHING to do with contests, I
> should be careful to mention) and so the last few contests that I am
> aware of have all adopted the NB, NS and PE designations for mults
> (partially?) based on the RAC and ARRL finally no longer using
> it....again MAR as it relates to RAC and ARRL has zero to do with
> contesting !
> (there is still some housekeeping work to be done @ ARRL fixing up
> scores and records, but that's minor)
> I believe (but stand to be corrected) that the CQP
> <https://www.cqp.org/Rules.html> CQP Rules
> which most of us love, was the very last holdout on the World stage to
> get rid of it. (they called it MR) <spits on ground> :-)
> Thank you to Chris/N6WM and all those folks in California who have
> finally permitted us to send NB, NS and PE in your truly great QSO
> party.
> So anyways......I am rambling a little bit. I guess I don't have
> anything left to complain about contesting wise--Geez-what
> now?......maybe cut #'s in serial # contests? High K indices?
> Perpetually losing the Poison d'Avril test?  or maybe everyone being
> zero beat in a big EU pileup on 80m? (1rst World problems from here in
> the Northeast?)
> I wish to extend my thanks to all of you to have put up with my minor
> moaning and groaning over the decades while I worked  (in tandem with
> others to be sure) to help supply information and reasoning  to those
> last small handful of contests to move us away from using "MAR" <spit>
> as a mult.  In the end the situation mostly remedied itself and sponsors
> like Sprint and CQP agreed to modify their rules on mults. based on what
> RAC and the ARRL and a few others have done.
> Now I really AM rambling.
> Appreciation all around ! ! !
> Mike VE9AA, current president Maritime Contest Club (MCC) (Is it Ironic
> our contest club name has that word in it?) haha
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