[CQ-Contest] North American CW Sprint - Feb 4th - 0000-0359 UTC

Ward Silver hwardsil at gmail.com
Fri Feb 2 13:46:04 EST 2024

A reminder that the February edition of the North American CW Sprint will
be on the air Feb 4th 0000-0359 UTC.  This is Saturday evening in North
America.  80, 40, and 20 meter bands are where CW activity will be found
above 25 kHz from the band edge.  Full rules are here:
https://ncjweb.com/north-american-sprint/.  Call CQ NA to avoid
confusion with the other active contests.

The British Columbia QSO Party (BCQP) and Vermont QSO Party (VTQP) contests
will be on the air at the same time.  Look for those stations CQing above
the main activity - probably above 14050, 7050, and 3550 kHz.  Sprinters
are welcome to work these stations but they are not bound by Sprint rules
so they don't have to QSY after a contact. DO NOT TAKE THEIR FREQUENCY
AFTER YOUR QSO.  The FOC Marathon (for FOC members only) will also be
active, mostly below Sprint activity, calling CQ FOC mostly in the lower 25
kHz of the band.

Don't forget about the team competition - five-operator teams can be
registered on the NA Sprint website right up to the contest start time!
It's a great way to encourage club members and new Sprinters to participate.

DX stations from anywhere in the world are welcome to make QSOs with North
American stations and submit a log.  Have fun - maybe you can set a record
for your country!

Have fun and I hope to see lots of submitted logs before the deadline on
Feb 11th.  CQ NA!

73, Ward N0AX
NA CW Sprint Mgr with the Boring Amateur Radio Club

BCQP - http://www.orcadxcc.org/bcqp_rules.html
VTQP - http://www.ranv.org/vtqso.html

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