[CQ-Contest] Self spotting
Mike Fatchett W0MU
w0mu at w0mu.com
Thu Mar 14 11:44:56 EDT 2024
Nearly everyone on CW, RTTY and FT modes are spotted automatically to
the clusters. Technology does not exist yet to allow this on SSB. If
CW, RTTY and FT spots are good, then SSB spots should be good too and
this allows it to happen.
Specific contest rules may need to be clarified. I believe that the
written statement made was that it was allowed in all ARRL Contests.
The newer rule takes precedent it supersedes previous rules.
Self spotting does not allow you to use spots while unassisted. It
simply allows you to spot where you are at. Unassisted stations have
always been allowed to spot stations they worked or heard.
The rule attempts to even the playing field as some stations have groups
of fans that constantly spot that station over and over. The spotting
networks do not have verified accounts so it is nearly impossible to
detect people self spotting. They simply created a bogus call, use vpn
or some other tech to change IP and location and spot away.
Allowing all stations to self spot and use social media makes it clear
that streaming is acceptable. It is a great way to expose people to the
hobby. Something that has pretty much been ignored. It allows people
to use X (twitter), Twitch, Kick, Discord, Slack and any other media
options out there. Don't we want more exposure and interest in
contesting and ham radio?
Self spotting makes the contest more fun for the competitors.
Self spotting allows one to correct a blown cluster spot, which can
create more dupes. Blown spots can really hurt a competitor. There is
no way to stop blown spots as much as we try.
If I self spot, how does this impact you? Why is a self spot bad but a
spot from my friend that lives a block who knows where I am operating
24/7 is bad? Why is a RBN or skimmer spot ok when I can install a
skimmer close to my station that will spot me 24/7 anyway? The station
on the other end still has to be able to hear me and then we have to
complete a QSO. Spots are good or they are bad, which is it?
(discounting blown or botched spots) The source of the spot should not
change that. Spotting is a part of the hobby and is there to use or
not. It is just another tool in the toolbox.
Is some of the resistance because people are unclear on how to spot
themselves? When everyone can do it why is it a problem?
Please detail how self spotting has affected your score in a negative
way. Please detail why the decision was "poor and not well thought
out." How has this decision impacted ARRL contests in a negative way?
I just don't like it does not help understand the underlying issues.
Mike W0MU
On 3/13/2024 9:21 PM, Christopher Paulin wrote:
> The ARRL contest committee made a very poor decision that was not well
> thought out by allowing self-spotting in their contests. The 2023 ARRL 10m
> contest rules read verbatim:
> "PROH.3. Arranging, soliciting, or confirming any contacts during or after
> the contest by use of any non-
> amateur radio means. All required elements of a contact must be exchanged
> via amateur radio."
> How is a station that is using the internet to self-spot not in violation of
> Prohibited Conduct in that contest? Yet self-spotting was apparently
> allowed by the ARRL, even for "unassisted" stations! There are a myriad of
> other problems with the way those rules are written, which I've already
> commented on.
> The ARRL DX 2024 rules have apparently been rewritten to try to rectify some
> of these blatant conflicts, but the end result is the same: self-spotting
> in contests should be prohibited.
> Chris N8ACP
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