[CQ-Contest] Fake Spotting

Mark Griffin pastormg2 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 2 13:19:15 EDT 2024

One of the problems is there seems to be a lot of Ham Operators who get
very upset when there is a SSB Contest. You don't hear complaints about CW,
RTTY or Digital Contests, but SSB you do. I remember when you didn't have
spotting networks and the only way you knew a station was on the air was to
hear them when you rotate the tuning dial of your transceiver. I realize
that there are only certain networks that will carry SSB Spots. But perhaps
when an organization that has a  SSB contest should require that there is
no spotting whatsoever for a SSB Contest. No Self Spotting or S&P Spotting.
I hate to say this but I could go into N1MM and put in that I made a
contact with a station and hit the log button and it will send out an S&P
spot to the network that I am currently logged into. And I can also login
to a network and the callsign that I use may not even be my own. I realize
there are no reverse beacon networks for SSB. If there was, that would
eliminate a lot of potential issues. But until that technology is developed
I guess we have to suffer with the injustices and potential RIft Raft of
fake calls. I could go on and on but I will limit myself.
Mark Griffin, KB3Z

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