staying in the chair works for modern hams: ricebox, computer. I have to reach arond the back for the hw16 to move the VFO, hit the send receive switch and then hit the key to zero beat, re hit the send receive swtich to listen to see what the guy i am trying to work is doing, copy down all on scratch paper, enter into log, update the dupe list. if i am at all confused or tired or hungrt or have to pee or my hand has again gone numb, i have to stop, get up take a shower (i take a lot of showers). good alert time in the chair wins contests. like i have said in the past if someone with a FT1000MK IXX with the lastest W8JI roofing filter modes, six beverages, and an 8877 PA feeding a 4-square wants to beat me they can. but so far they haven't mike w7dra/0, NE