CT9 problem

ED_DEY@antdiv.gov.au ED_DEY@antdiv.gov.au
Fri, 2 Dec 1994 18:34:49 +1100 (EST)

Am using ver. 9.04 with a 486SLC with 8meg RAM  and 428mb HDD.
The problem is that when I am using the program (CQWWCW) the band logged 
always defaults to the one which it was on at startup of the program.
I can change bands and correct erroneous entries OK with >alt>F! or F2.
An example: The pgm starts up on 20m...I log a few stns on 20m OK, then change bband to 15m...I log a stn and the  after pressing >enter< the log indicates that
the band is 20m...I change bands again to 40m and log a QSO...after pressing
<enter> the log again indicates that the QSO was on 20m.! I use
contestname -vga -d -now  when loading.
Any suggestions? (this is my first time using this service).
regards, Eddie DeYoung VI0ANT/VK4EET  EMail: ED_DEY@antdiv.gov.au

QTH: Davis Base, Antarctica