Pentium Chip Problems?
Jim Reid, AH6NB
Mon, 12 Dec 94 07:53 WET
Hi All,
Whats going on at Intel; just noticed this morning their stock has dropped
4 points, because, says the CNBC comentator, IBM has cancelled shipping
Pentium machines because of "serious problems with the Pentium chip by
Intel". IBM has dropped below 70.
My Pentium equiped Gateway machine seems to work just fine. In fact,
installed the IBM
OS2 WARP demo disk Saturday and enjoyed the features demonstration, looks
as if it might be better than Windows, allows real multitasking.
Anyway, violating Dr's orders being in here at the computer! Must go back
to being a
couch potato in front of the TV!
73, Jim
Aloha and 73,
Jim Reid, AH6NB(Happily retired)
Old Koloa Town, Island of Kauai
Hawaii, USA Email:
E a'o pono i na au iki a me na au nui o ka 'ike.
(Learn well in the little and the large currents of knowledge.)
'Oelo No'eau, Pukui