CT and Yaesu FT890 (Second try)
Fri, 30 Dec 1994 14:48:12 -0500
Sorry about the first message, but somehow the last 2/3s got chopped off.
Had several request to repeat so here it is:
During the recent a contest, I attempted to use my FT890 with CT Ver. 9.10a.
I encountered the following problems:
1. Keyboard Delay - Each keystroke took about 3-4 seconds
before the characters appeared on the screen.
Setting the Poll Rate to > 10 seemed to help.
2. Once a Call or Command was completely typed, when you
hit "Enter" it took 3-4 seconds for the log to be updated.
The poll rate change didn't seem to help this at all.
3. Even though the radio could be controlled from CT and CT
sensed band changes at the radio, there was a constant
"Radio Time out" message on the screen, if something
replaced the message, it soon re-appeared.
Anyone else have these problems? Is it something with my radio
interface or is it CT?
CT and my FT990 work great!
Any suggestions or fixes would be appreciated.
73, Larry, KD2NT