Can the K1EA DVP be used as an audio DSP?

Robert A. Wilson n6tv@vnet.IBM.COM
Mon, 14 Feb 94 10:57:39 PST

Is it technically feasible for the K1EA DVP board, without hardware
changes, to be used as a real-time Digital Audio filter on recieve?
It is just a matter of programming?  Does the board have a DSP
chip that is up to the task of real-time audio filtering?

First things first:

1) Magic-notch on/off (automatic suppression of 1 or more carriers)
2) For CW, automatic narrow filter (quickly narrows in on CW,
   but suppresses solid carriers and tuners) -- how come none of
   the commercial DSP units can do this?
3) Adjustable bandwidth, adjustable pitch, for manual CW audio
4) Adjustable pitch on transmit, or some way to make my voice higher.
   Perhaps the "callsign" message can be altered after recording to
   make it have more punch?

If the DVP can't do real time filtering, is it possible to use the DVP's
record mode to save a few seconds of a QSO to a file, then process the
file to eliminate QRM, then play it back later?

No DSP on the market handles stereo very well.  Maybe the DVP will be the
first to overcome this limitation?  If the potential is there, someone ought
to work on it.  It could open up a whole new market for the board.

Bob, N6TV