CW Keying / FT1000 / QSO B4
Wed, 16 Feb 1994 18:24:36 +0000
Hi All,
As a less than die-hard CW contester I confess that I was not even
aware that type-ahead was available in CT, but it seems like an
excellent concept since when I'm operating, every so often there is a
pause while my brain just confirms to itself what it really did copy
at the end of that call! I have used the NOWORKDUPE facility, but tend to
reprogram the message to something like QSO B4 TU G4PIQ TEST which
seems to dislodge people 90% of the time! I guess this is a less than
efficient way of dealing with dupes since it doesn't enable you just
to send a part of their suffix back at them rather than the whole call
However, my bigger problem is, just after pressing INSERT, my brain
realises that I copied the call wrong, and so I hit ESC to stop
sending, and use a paddle to send the correct exchange manually. When
doing this using the internal keyer to the FT1000, apart from the pain
of having to push the keyer button on the front panel, every now and
again I have the problem that the internal keyer just locks-up and
refuses to send anything at all. The only way to clear this condition
appears to be to power the rig down then up again - about a 2 second
process, and one of these days the fuse will blow just at that moment!
Does anyone else have this problem and any solutions to fix it (other
than using an external keyer!)
Andy Cook, G4PIQ.