CT 8.52 problem
Tue, 22 Feb 94 09:40:19 PST
I'm using version 8.52 with a TS-950SD and noticed a problem with grabing a
PacketCluster spot when the radio is on VFO B. Instead of moving the radio to
the spot freq, it puts the radio into split freq operation, with neither freq
being the spot freq and sometimes the two freqs are on different bands!
Annoying to say the least. If the radio is on VFO A, everything works
correctly. I think Ken fixed this problem several versions ago but it's back..
I also noticed that the Super Check Partial now requires 3 characters before it
generates the list where it used to require 2 characters. I don't consider it
a real problem but wonder what was the rational behind the change? I suspect
it was to speed up the operation with some of the slower computers but wonder
if it could be made a run-time switch. 73
Rick Craig N6ND
NRaD Code 848