Band Map Question
Mon, 11 Jul 94 12:26:07 EDT
I entered IARU in the mixed mode category. When grabbing spots for a mode
different then the one I was on CT never changed the mode of the rig, an
IC-765. Did any one else notice this. During the ARRL 10M test, which I usually
operate mixed mode, I don't remember seeing this problem with version 8 software.
I also had several crashes when going back to edit the mode of a
QSO I entered erroneously. If I went back 3 QSOs and did a CNTRL-F1 to
force a mode change, CT came crashing down dumping its registers.
But, strangely it did not happen on the previous QSO, only the one 2 or 3
QSOs before the current one. This happenned several times during the course
of the test.
I'm using a 386/33 clone, DOS 6.22, QEMM Version 6, Hyperdisk disk cache
(set to 256K in write-thru mode), mosue on COM1, TNC on COM2/std IRQ,
rig on COM3/IRQ9 and CW keying on LPT2. Don't ask me why, but for some
reason I suspect it may be QEMM, its an older version. Anyone else see anything
73 de Walt Kornienko