CT V8 -LOOP option

Takao KUMAGAI je1cka@dumpty.nal.go.jp
Tue, 11 Oct 94 23:46:46 +0900

I posted how to complete with CT -LOOP option for 1-com-port
computer networking.

I got the 7 replies, thanks to K1KP, WM2C, WD8AUB, KE7X, KU4J,

Here is the summary of the CT -LOOP option;
1.-loop option was written on the request of KE7X on behalf 
  of the 4M5I operation last year. But this never worked.
2.M/M or M/S contest expedition can not find 6(or few more
  backups) 2com ports laptop/notebook type computers. So this
  1com-port multi link is the really solution.
3.They tested NA V9.08 or higher version for the 1com-port link
  and this works well.
4.Someone uses "octopus board" for 1com-port link with CT v8
  and this works well. 
  But I do not know what is the "octopus board". Multi-com-port 
  cards for ISA slots?

One another question;
If the one desk-top computer has the multi com ports, then does
the "star type" link with each 1com port computer work?
(Is this called octopus connection?)

What is our solution? 
We are trying to have 6 2com ports notebook computers. 3 of them
will be the Think Pad with PCMIA com port cards.
Would like to test the octopus board and NA v9 also.

Now we have 11good ops and 5 backup staffs for KH0AM M/M in CQ WW.
And I hope to have good CT link for multi passing.