dvp in ct 9.10

Mon, 17 Oct 94 12:25:17 EDT

I have been beta testing ct 9 since the beginning and have had no problem
with the DVP.  I run a network of 7 computers, 6 with DVPs, and one with a
packet cluster link, the only problem I have had is one DVP with a burned
out keying relay, probably due to a thunderstorm induced surge.  I do not
use ramdisks since I only have 2 meg of memory in 5 of the computers with 
DVPs.  We have tested the regular function key record and playback, the
serial number sending, the single letter and combination recording and
playback, onair/offair, mon/nomon, etc.  Am I not being complete in my
testing?  the 2 meg machines really beat on the hard drive when doing long
cq's and stuff, i would think this was pretty good test.

73, Dave KY1H  Robbins@guid2.dnet.ge.com