Publication bug report

Dick Dievendorff
Mon, 31 Oct 1994 14:11:45 -0800

The key stroke described in the manual to enable the band map was, I believe ALT
- (Alt minus?). I found a sequence in CT.HLP, ALT-, (Alt and comma key) that
worked better for this function.

The initial pages of the CT 9 manual imply that there are 8086 and 80286
versions available.  Later in the manual it says that version 9 is 386 and
above only.  The early pages should probably be updated.

I wasn't able to find keywords for the CT.CFG file that described my DVP.  I
like to put stuff in the CFG file before the contest and not have to mess with
the initial screens; sometimes I make a flurry of test entries, erase the .BIN
file and want to start over quickly, so the CFG file makes sense to keep up to
date.  But I'd like to put all my memory messages in CW contests and DVP
configuation for SSB configurations in that CFG file.  I didn't find a "Voice
Keyer" variable in the CFG file.

Suggestion:  Every configuration variable that can be manually entered should
have a CFG field, and the example CFG file should be "loaded" with every
possible entry.  Alternatively, as these  CFG files are smallish, several
examples could be shipped, one for simple single op, one for op + packet, one
for op + packet + rig control, a couple of network examples, etc.

73 de Dick, AA6MC