Pete Smith n4zr@ix.netcom.com
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 10:57:43 -0800

At 07:48 AM 11/16/95 PST, Don N6IPE wrote:
>Anyone know how to program the DVP for:
>1 - "Your number is _" (ctrl F3 marks log - not Record your number is)
>2 - Check and Section on Alt 4 & 5 as in cw.
>Also - is there a utility to convert last years log to a data base for use in 
>super check partial?
>Don - N6IPE @ KD6UO
Several years ago -- I've converted to TR Log now -- I used the DVP to
"speak" numbers and call-signs in SS.  The result was not very encouraging
-- I got far more fill requests than when using my own voice.  My impression
is that the voicing can work fine in running, where stations are expecting
their call-signs, but much less well when conveying "must-copy-right" info
like serial numbers.  I suppose it might be possibleto improve on this
through careful recording -- Ma Bell seems to be doing it OK with their
information service -- but that's an essentially noise-free channel.  I'm
perfectly happy using my DVP to send the repetitive part of the exchange,
call CQ, etc.

73, Pete Smith N4ZR

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