CT-USER: Updates to the CT web pages

Jim Reisert AD1C Jim Reisert AD1C" <AD1C@tiac.net
Mon, 08 Jul 96 21:39:11 -0400

I have updated the CT web pages at:


1.  Added new article on networking CT via telephone modems.
2.  Added pointer to article on running CT under Windows 95.
3.  Updated CT BBS telephone number on order sheet and CT-USER FAQ.
4.  K2MM is back on-line, and so is his FTP site!
5.  Updated K1TR masvhf.zip file description.
6.  Changed E-mail address for K1EA.
7.  Updated ByteRunner WWW page address

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert <AD1C@tiac.net>                    http://www.tiac.net/users/ad1c/

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