WRTC - Wotta Blast!

Larry Johnson Larry Johnson <kj5yf@wt.net>
Sun, 14 Jul 1996 20:17:31 -0700

Well, I have to put my two cents worth in regarding the WRTC...it was a blast
as far as I'm concerned. And I can certainly see why the teams are the best of
the best...each and everyone one of them deserves kudos and credit for what
they were doing.

As for me, I set a goal of working all teams and making 100+ contacts. I did
both ...in spite the fact that:

(A) I managed to blow the linear up around noon, which I was counting on to get
me through the SSB pileups. Did make 4 phone contacts...rest were CW...

(B) I missed the 10m opening...rats...

(C) And no packet. Looking at the msgs today, it was obvious that most of the
world had packet. However, the DX cluster network in Houston has been down for
the last couple of weeks. Both of the major nodes have not been talking to each
other, and they have not been connected to the rest of the world (last WWV
posting on one of them was July 7). And when I checked late Friday night, it
was still the same.

But I still met my goals although I'm sure I won't win the Zone 7
plaque...<grin> but hey...qrn, qrm, 100w, no packet, pileups, and high speed
CW....it was exhilerating...

Thanks to the WRTC teams for a good time...and congrats on a job well done to
the WRTC teams and organizers. 

* Larry Johnson
* Houston, Texas   U.S.A.

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