[ct-user] CT 9.27 stable?

barry barry@w2up.wells.com
Tue, 16 Jul 96 13:27:34 EDT

Hi all -= I've been using 9.20 for a while, and wonder if there's any 
reason to (or not to) get 9.27 which I believe is the latest.

Only problem I've noticed with 9.20 is in IARU the Check Call window 
highlighted the wrong band.

BTW, in case any one else has had trouble downloading updated CTY files 
from ct-user-REQUEST, you have to GET the files as all LOWER CASE (ex., 
arrl.cty, not ARRL.CTY).
73 Barry

Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Internet: barry@w2up.wells.com
Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)

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