[ct-user] fd log recovery help

a. kerner pacarch@wolfenet.com
Wed, 24 Jul 1996 10:09:02 -0700 (PDT)


For field day this June, I borrowed a lap top which had ct installed, and we
used it for the
SSB station logging.  I brought the thing home, & didn't look at the log until
last week.  When I tried to open the FD96 file, it started a new contest
log.  I got outta
ct, looked at the directory, and saw fd96.bin with 0 bytes in it.  Yikes!
Does anybody
have any clues as to how I might recover the info?  The program never asked me
if I wanted to overwrite a file, so I'm not sure why it did.  The logs were
due yesterday,
but I've been outta town, at WRTC, and then on bizzz-ness.  

Any help is much appreciated.  (This is one way to get out of the exhalted
position of
FD chairman!!!)

Tnx, AA7FT, Adam

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