BUG IN 9.26 ...: IS CT BBS YET ON ??
Sante ( IK0HBN )
Mon, 6 May 1996 00:35:09 +0200
Hi Fred,
since the message reported below other 3 weeks passed.....but our common
friends at CT-bbs do not find enough time to register my call!
I have found a bad bug in 9.26 : if you try and change cw sending speed when
you are answering a call (slower or faster the result is the same) CT hangs
up and leaves the radio in a solid tune...hi
So tonight I tried again to ct-bbs....but nothing....
We europeans had learnt much from american marketing in matter of quality
control, good support to customers, and other beautiful and interesting
things, but as it seems, at CT-BBS my first gentle request didn't sort any
A couple of days ago, reading the mail from Reflector I knew of another poor
guy in the same my situation....hi.
This just to inform you.....
See you on wpx cw, with, I fear, with 9.26.....
Ehy Guys, don't try to move me from initial speed: for me ALT+F9 and ALT+F10
will not exist....hi hi.
Ciao Sante.
To Jim AD1C: I know you don't get money from taking care of BBS, but Please
tell us what us have to do.....
At 20.31 17/04/96 EDT, you wrote:
>On Tue, 16 Apr 1996 06:12:35 +0200, "Sante ( IK0HBN )" <ik0hbn@isa.it> wrote:
>> I
>> mentally taste the 9.27 running on huge pile up from States, keying my IC
>> 765, telling me when sunrise happens on JA....and now...sigh, I am
>> considered a NOT user..hi hi.
>> What do you suggest I have to do?
>Dear Sante:
> I am also a registered user of CT. I also have 9.26.
>I also have an IC-765. For these reasons, I say we have
>something in common.
> Do not worry. For YOU and ME, there is no difference
>that I am aware of between 9.26 and 9.27.
> Also, I think I remember that some disks labelled 9.26
>were mailed out that actually had 9.27 on them. You might
>want to load the program and see which version you REALLY
> In the meantime, if you have a friend in Eastern
>Massachusetts that you really trust, tell him your CT
>password and ask him to check in now and again to find out
>when you become a registered user on the CT computer. That
>would be a lot less expensive than trying to connect from
>Italy. (But I am not the right guy to try and help you on
> Buona fortuna (Did I get the spelling right?).
glad to read you.....
we have another passion in common...contesting.....hi
Anyway till a couple of minutes ago, I was not registered yet on CT BBS.....hi
although my 2 weeks ago message to KEN....I received a lot of messages
regarding my help request....a lot of which very interesting.
One said (not really a reported speech) "although CT gang travel much and
have much things to do, it seems they have not problem to charge quickly
your credit card".....hi.
I do not intend to put up an international polemic, but sometimes it seems
that friend was not wrong with that hard judgement...
My 9.26 is a really 9.26 inside.....but on IC 765 they run in the same
manner as you stated...
I would like to know english as you know italian.....BUONA FORTUNA....yes
you spelled it fine.....
Thank you for your help and see you on WPX CW...
Ciao Sante
Localita' Saineta, 3
01030 Bassano in Teverina (VT) Italy
home telephone: +39 (0) 761-407543 (FAX on request)
E-mail: ik0hbn@isa.it
packet adr: IK0HBN@I0INU.IUMB.ITA.EU
DX cluster : IK0HBN > I0JBL-6
Submissions: ct-user@ve7tcp.ampr.org
Administrative requests: ct-user-REQUEST@ve7tcp.ampr.org
WWW: http://www.ve7tcp.ampr.org/Software/ct
Questions: owner-ct-user@ve7tcp.ampr.org