CT-USER Frequently Asked Questions - 20 May 1996
Jim Reisert AD1C
Jim Reisert AD1C" <AD1C@tiac.net
Mon, 20 May 96 23:17:04 -0400
Note that the ORDERING and SUPPORT information has been updated! Please
read this ENTIRE document, or visit the WWW page:
73 - Jim AD1C
CT-USER: Frequently Asked Questions
Last revised: 20 May 1996
This FAQ list covers the following topics:
1. What is CT-USER?
2. How do I join (subscribe to) CT-USER?
3. How do I leave (unsubscribe from) CT-USER?
4. How do I read old messages sent to the reflector?
5. How do I obtain CT?[NEW]
6. How do I receive updates for the country (CTY) files?
7. How do I receive updates for MASTER.DTA?
8. How do I obtain other CT-related files?
9. How can I find out more about CT, the DVP, CT Secrets,
What is CT-USER?
CT-USER@VE7TCP.AMPR.ORG is an electronic mail reflector for discussions
relating to the CT contest logging software and DVP (Digital Voice
Processor) by Ken Wolff, K1EA. This is the place to ask questions, report
bugs and suggest new features. In addition, updates to CT are often
announced here, as are updates to the country lists ("CTY" files). Ken
himself even reads these messages, and might just reply to you once in a
while. This list was started to off-load some of the CT-specific traffic
from the CQ-Contest@TGV.COM reflector run by Trey Garlough, WN4KKN.
Each message you send to CT-USER@VE7TCP.AMPR.ORG will be sent out to all
the other subscribers. Therefore, it's important to think about what
going to say, and how you're going to say it, before you send the message.
Also remember that many subscribers receive their E-mail through
services such as CompuServe and MCImail. In essence, many people are
for each byte of every message sent to CT-USER. So please follow the
following simple rules:
* Sign EVERY message you send with your NAME, CALLSIGN, and E-mail
address! Many people do not see all the mail headers, so they can not
determine who sent the message.
* Make sure every byte of your message adds value to the reflector!
Don't quote an entire message, only to add "I agree" to the end.
* If you want to reply to the original sender only, PLEASE make sure to
remove the mailing list address from your mail header! Otherwise
everyone on the list will see your private
How do I join (subscribe to) CT-USER?
Simply send a message to ct-user-request@ve7tcp.ampr.org with the
text in the BODY of the mail message:
A better way, however, is to include your name and callsign in the message
to ct-user-request, for example:
subscribe reisert@ve7tcp.ampr.org (Jim Reisert AD1C)
This can also be helpful if you want your mailing address to be different
than your usual REPLY address. For example, if you log into multiple
workstations that are all in the same domain.
Use your own E-mail address, name and callsign -- not what's in the
How do I leave (unsubscribe from) CT-USER?
Send a message to ct-user-request@ve7tcp.ampr.org with the following text
in the BODY of the mail message:
If you subscribed with an address that was different than your usual REPLY
address, you will have to include that address in the request, for
unsubscribe reisert@ve7tcp.ampr.org (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Please do not send "SUBSCRIBE" or "UNSUBSCRIBE" requests to CT-USER! They
will be returned to you anyway.
Please note that there is no SET NOMAIL command for the list manager. If
you want to temporarily stop mail, you MUST unsubscribe, and then
re-subscribe when you
How do I read old messages sent to the reflector?
All messages sent to the reflector are archived.
If you have a World Wide Web browser, point to:
The mailing list archives can also be obtained through anonymous FTP:
Finally, you can send a message to ct-user-request@ve7tcp.ampr.org with
following text in the BODY of the mail message:
The mailing list archives are in the archives subdirectory and have file
names like ct-user.YYMM where YYMM is the year and month of the archive.
You can then send a message to ct-user-request@ve7tcp.ampr.org to download
them, for example by putting:
get archives/ct-user.9512
in the BODY of the mail message. The example above would get all the
messages from December,
How do I obtain CT?
CT Version 9 was released at the 1994 Dayton Hamvention. It is distributed
by XX Towers, Inc.:
K1EA Software
Distributed by XX Towers, Inc.
814 Hurricane Hill Road
Mason, NH 03048
Orders: 603-878-4600 FAX: 603-878-1102
Support: 603-878-4200 BBS: 508-460-8877
The telphone BBS will be moving to a 28.8K baud line and a new number soon
- stay tuned to this space!
The current version of CT is 9.27 as of November 20, 1995.
Updates to the CT sofware are available only via the telephone BBS. There
is presently no way to get updates via the Internet.
CT Version 8.53 was the last to support 8086/80286 PCs. You can still
this version from K1EA Software. CT Version 9 runs only on PCs using an
80386 or better.
A very old version of CT 6.26 is available by anonymous FTP from:
Note that this version is several years old, has very little in the way of
documentation, and there is NO support from
How can I receive updates for the country (CTY) files?
The country files for CT Version 8 (ARRL.CTY, CQWW.CTY and IARU.CTY) and
Version 9 (CTY.DAT) are updated regularly by Jim Reisert, AD1C, usually
starting a month before each major contest (CQWW, ARRL DX, WPX, IARU,
The updated files are announced on the reflector and are posted on the CT
BBS (508-460-8877) and the DX BBS (502-898-8864). You can always obtain
latest files by sending a message to ct-user-request@ve7tcp.ampr.org. Here
is a sample message:
GET cty.dat
GET arrl.cty
GET history.cty
These commands go in the BODY of the mail message. You can include as many
lines as you wish. Note that file names must be in lower case.
The files are also available on the Internet via anonymous FTP from:
Finally, users who download CT updates from the CT BBS will automatically
receive the latest CTY files posted
How do I receive updates for MASTER.DTA?
MASTER.DTA is a list of known-good callsigns that CT can look up using
Super Check Partial. This file is maintained by Scott Jones, WR3G. Please
send your .BIN files to his callbook address! He uploads the latest master
file to the CT BBS.
Ed Parsons, K1TR has created a similar database of callsigns found in VHF
The following master callsign databases are currently available from
anonymous ftp to ftp://ve7tcp.ampr.org/software/ct.
masall.exe November 17, 1994
masusve.zip February 11, 1995
masnous.zip February 11, 1995
masvhf.zip April 4, 1995
There are also a couple of files (mas_tool.exe and mas_k2mm.exe) for
creating and managing your own MASTER.DTA files. You can obtain them from
the WWW page, or via anonymous FTP to
How do I obtain other CT-related files?
The mailing list server also contains a repository of CT-related files.
can obtain a list of available files by sending message to
ct-user-request@ve7tcp.ampr.org with the following text in the body of the
This E-mail file repository only includes the ASCII .CTY and .DAT files,
the release notes for version 8 and version 9, and some text files
associated with CT. It does NOT contain the actual CT program itself, or
any binary files.
Binary files can only be obtained by anonymous FTP
How can I find out about more about CT, the DVP, CT Secrets, etc.?
The WWW home page for CT has this information and more:
Jim Reisert AD1C
CT is (c) K1EA Software, a division of Harvard
Jim Reisert <AD1C@tiac.net> http://www.tiac.net/users/ad1c/
Submissions: ct-user@ve7tcp.ampr.org
Administrative requests: ct-user-REQUEST@ve7tcp.ampr.org
WWW: http://www.ve7tcp.ampr.org/Software/ct
Questions: owner-ct-user@ve7tcp.ampr.org